Thursday 31 January 2013



No longa, um casal, Patrick e Louise, ainda lamentando a morte de sua única filha Alice, por cães selvagens, se mudam para a remota cidade de Wake Wood onde um ritual pagão local promete mais três preciosos dias com ela … mas o que eles fazem quando está na hora de sua filha voltar?

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Tamanho: 267 mb

Horror Movies

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Emma Evans (Sophie Vavasseur) não tem boa relação com seus pais que, para ela, são autoritários e vivem a oprimindo. Em busca de sua identidade, a jovem decide libertar seus desejos mais profundos e, assim, desencadeia forças poderosas e malignas das quais perde o controle. Todo esse horror resultado das ações de Emma atormenta a sua família e ela descobre que tem coisas que é melhor não desejar.

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Tamanho: 373 mb

Horror Movies

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The Return of Count Yorga (1971)

The Return of Count Yorga (1971)

A bigger budget does not necessarily make for a better film [Book of Shadows: Blair Witch 2 is the perfect example].  While The Return of Count Yorga has a better cast, its plot is more complicated than it needs to be and ultimately fails to interest this viewer.  

Let's start with the good parts: thankfully Robert Quarry [Count Yorga, Vampire] is back at the Count with his faithful henchman at his side.  Quarry makes a very good vampire but there are so many things going on around him that his character gets lost from time to time.  Mariette Hartley [Marnie, Columbo] is a welcomed addition as the heroine of the story.  Her considerable acting ability is a step up from many in the first film.  Craig T. Nelson [Coach] also makes a cameo as Sgt. O'Connor.  Bob Kelljan is also back as director/writer of the film.  While Return is decently made, I think he did a better job with the original film.

The bad parts include the script which I've already talked about.  Plus, there are no inventive touches in this film that made the first one so interesting form time to time.  Finally, the vampire ho's are not nearly as entertaining this time around.  In fact, this film takes itself far too seriously and there aren't enough fun moments in it, intentional or otherwise.

Stick with the original and leave this one with a stake through its ho-hum heart.


For more info check out the film's entry in IMDB.

Vintage Horror Films

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Invaders From Mars (1953)

Invaders From Mars (1953)

Sci-Fi melodrama.  That's probably the best way to describe Invaders from Mars.  It's part alien invasion, part Andy Griffith Show.  William Cameron Menzes steps into the director's chair for this one with a long history of art direction and production design.  It definitely shows.  [He won two Oscars for Art Direction including an honorary Oscar for his work on Gone With the Wind.] Invaders is a visual feast with a very controlled color palate and overall look.  It's quite effective and gives the film a wonderful look overall.  The only sad thing in this regard is that Netflix copy I rented was a terrible fuzzy print.  This is one movie that begs to be restored to its original glory like they did with Forbidden Planet.

The cast is solid, if not a tad bit annoying at times.  Jimmy Hunt plays young blue eyed, blonde headed David MacLean who is at the center of the story.  He's the first to figure out that invaders have landed on the planet and they're implanting something in the heads of earthlings that makes them behave like mind controlled zombies.  He channels his best Timmy and Lassie without the benefit of Lassie.  It's typical 1950's fare but it grated on my nerves just a bit.  The rest of the cast give a solid ensemble performance with no one in particular standing out.

The aliens in question are quite humorous when we finally get to see them on-screen.  They fall into the so-bad-it's-good category and I got the giggles watching the actors stumble around in their big rubber suits.  

The star of this show, however, is the plot, which is an inventive take on the typical alien invasion story.  Ideas from this film were definitely stolen by other films such as Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1956) and can also be seen in the recent TV series Falling Skies (2011).  This film also had a surprise ending which makes you rethink the whole entire movie. 

Invaders of Mars is a must-see for fans of Sci-Fi.  It inspired many films that followed in its footsteps and is a fine example of 1950's UFO paranoia.

RATING: Very Good.

For more info check out the film's entry in IMDB.

Vintage Horror Films

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Wednesday 30 January 2013



Carry White (Sissy Spacek) uma jovem que não faz amigos em virtude de morar em quase total isolamento com Margareth (Piper Laurie), sua mãe e uma pregadora religiosa que se torna cada vez mais ensandecida. Carrie foi menosprezada pelas colegas, pois ao tomar banho achava que estava morrendo, quando na verdade estava tendo sua primeira menstruação. Uma professora fica espantada pela sua falta de informação e Sue Snell (Amy Irving), uma das alunas que zombaram dela, fica arrependida e pede a Tommy Ross (William Katt), seu namorado e um aluno muito popular, para que convide Carrie para um baile no colégio. Mas Chris Hargenson (Nancy Allen), uma aluna que foi proibida de ir festa, prepara uma terrível armadilha que deixa Carrie ridicularizada em público. Mas ninguém imagina os poderes paranormais que a jovem possui e muito menos de sua capacidade vingança quando está repleta de ódio.

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Tamanho: 344 mb

Horror Movies

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More of the Hotties of Hansel & Gretel: Witch Hunters (2013)

More of the Hotties of Hansel & Gretel: Witch Hunters (2013)

The Horror Club

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The Digital Dread Report for the week of January 29th

The Digital Dread Report for the week of January 29th

It looks as if January is going out with a whimper as far as Blu-ray and DVD releases go. There's some decent flicks to be had this week, but none of them scream "must own!" to us.

The Awakening was good, Citadel was decent, and Seven Psychopaths was fun, but they aren't anything we need to add to our collection.

If we were big animation fans, Batman: TDKR Part 2 and Hotel Transylvania would be cool, but we're really not, so we'll pass. 

If we're buying anything this week, it will most likely be the Die Hard Collection, since we don't own any of the movies on Blu-ray yet, and we're big John McClane fans. The Midnight Movie 2-packs look fun too, especially the Hell of the Living Dead/Nightmare City set, but since they aren't on Blu-ray, we'll pass. *We don't do DVD anymore.

White Zombie is definitely a classic, but it's not our thing, and The Evil Dead is an all-time classic, but we already own like 27 versions of it in various formats, so, no.

We can't say yea or nay on All Superheroes Must Die, because we haven't seen it.We'll most likely give that one a rent though, because it looks interesting enough.

As for The Cold Light of Day, PA4, and Cherry Tree Lane... we wouldn't take those for free. Funny thing is, PA4 will probably sell an ass-load of copies this week, which is cool and all, but God did we hate that movie.

Like I said, this week in Home Video is pretty blah for us, so we'll most likely just save our coin for the February releases.

The Horror Club

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“A Serbian Film”, Polêmica produção sérvia ,esta chamando a atenção por tratar da indústria pornográfica e um dos seus ramos mais comentados, que é o de Snuff Movies. Os Snuff são filmes pornôs que introduzem o lado mais negro da alma humana, usando fetiches e crimes como um atrativo a mais para aqueles que gostam de violência gráfica e cenas absurdas.

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Tamanho:347 mn

Horror Movies

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Hansel & Gretel: Witch Hunters (2013)

Hansel & Gretel: Witch Hunters (2013)

(aka Wtiches = Bitches )
Release Date: In Theaters now.
Country: Germany, USA.
Written by: Tommy Wirkola and Dante Harper.
Directed by: Tommy Wirkola.
Starring: Jeremey Renner, Gemma Arterton, Peter Stormare, Famke Janssen, Ingrid Bolso Berdal, Pihla Viitala, Joanna Kulig and Derek Mears.

I usually don't get down for the heavily FX-laden, glossy commercial horror flicks of the world. I'm talking about flicks like Van Helsing, The Mummy, Ghost Rider, et al. Movies like that just serve to annoy me, mainly because they lack any sort of depth, and genre movies with depth usually don't make a ton of money.

That being said, I just couldn't help but love this movie.

When H&G was pushed back from March 2012 all the way until January 2013, it made us nervous. Usually only POS genre flicks get dropped into a January release slot, so we lost most of our excitement for the movie.

Seems as if we were worried for nothing.
like (1)like (2)like (3)
We all know the classic Children's tale of Hansel and Gretel, don't we? Two young kids get abandoned in the woods by their parents because the family has no food, and any rational parent would obviously say "fuck these kids and their incessant hunger", right? So poor, starving, little Hansel and Gretel wander around until they come upon a house made of sweet cakes and candy, and proceed to eat it. Because they're starving. Bad luck for them though, because the old woman who lives there is a Witch, and she lures them inside, shackles them up, and starts fattening Hansel up to eat him while Gretel is made into a house bitch. In the end, the kids get wise and shove the old hag into the oven before she can do the same to them, and we all learn a valuable lesson: German Fairytales are creepy as hell.

"Wait... they tell this story to little kids?"

In this movie version of H&G, it starts out pretty much the same, but we get to see the kids grow up and turn into lean, mean Witch hunters. They travel the world, sworn to kill all witches for giving Hansel diabetes, and thus they kill the hell out of a shitload of Witches.There's also a troll named Edward, a geeky little sidekick, and a jerk-nut of a Sheriff in there somewhere, all of whom cause nothing but mischief!

The Witches cause plenty of mischief too.

That's basically the plot. I could give specifics, but "they kill a shitload of witches" really says it all. There are some twists and turns in the story too, most of witch (play on words) are fairly easy to see coming, but hey, we're not here for a complex narrative, are we?

Don't look at me that way. You knew what this was.
Hansel & Gretel: Witch Hunters is not a perfect movie, nor is it a particularly great one, but we really loved the hell out of it none the less. It's vulgar, overtly violent and blood-soaked, and has a fun premise. Don't get bogged down in the plot, or the sense that it doesn't always make, and just love the two crazy kids out there hunting Witches, because that's what this is all about. Focuson anything else and you're missing the point.

This is the only point of the movie.

This movie is big, crazy and visually awesome. Witches kill and get killed in gloriously nasty ways, and every bit of it is messy fun. It's kinda like The Expendables; you know it's all just a crazy ridiculous excuse for violence, but hot damn is is fun as hell to get lost in for 90 minutes.

Jeremy Renner and Gemma Arterton were great as  the titular characters, and I'm glad they didn't play it too serious or too funny. They were a good mix of the two dynamics, and came off as being pretty bad ass to boot. I'm really glad that Tommy Wirkola didn't stray too far down the tongue-in-cheek path, because too much camp would have made this movie painful.

Famke Janssen was bewitching (play on words) in her role too.
H&G is an often times silly and choppy movie. Silly is to be expected, given the premise, but the choppy bit is vexing. It felt like the last half of the movie was rushed and lost its focus, which was fairly intact in its first half. It wasn't "bad", but it was just like "come on, man!" at times.

Gemma made us forget most of the movie's woes...
We wish it had been fleshed out a tiny bit more and been longer. As it stands, it's a quick, fun, little bit of movie, but it could have been great with some longer, deeper material. Had some parts of the movie taken their time a bit more, and stretched out to add some extra quiet atmosphere, we'd have been happier. Extended Blu-ray edition, please.

We'd be cool with a sequel, too.
Witches get burned alive, Witches explode, people explode, heads explode, heads get severed and smashed, everyone gets stabbed and shot... this movie delivers the blood and gore!

This little Gatling Gun provided much of the carnage.
Not much to see here in the way of nakedness, but we do get one scene of the sexy Pihla Viitala skinny dipping, which was decent enough. This movie is just not about the sexy stuff. Well, directly anyhow. Witches are always sexy... when they aren't all creepy and old-looking.

Don't look at him that way, you knew what this was!
You can look at this movie in the wrong way, and easily say "what a bunch of goofy shit." Of course, you'd be missing the point, but you could, and you wouldn't necessarily be wrong. H&G is meant to be nothing more than some good old fashioned shameless fun, and in that, it succeeds wildly. It's nice to be able to just sit back and watch a horror flick that is just pure fun, and not really care about its lacking elements. Go see this one, and enjoy. We loved it, and we'll be waiting for its Blu-ray release while you are out loving it for yourselves, because it's going to look great in HD at home.
We love and appreciate Gemma and Famke, because their beauty is definitely a special thing, but they weren't the only Hotties in this movie, were they?
The Horror Club

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