Tuesday 19 February 2013

The Digital Dread Report for February 19th

The Digital Dread Report for February 19th

This is one jam-packed week for Blu-ray and DVD releases. It's so jam-packed, that we hardly know where to start...


Game of Thrones and Sinister are our top priorities this week. We need to have them both in our creepy little hands asap, and even that's not soon enough. Both are definite must own's for us.

The Monster Squad is one of our all-time faves, and as we never got the chance to grab the Lionsgate 20th Anniversary Edition when it was released, we'll be grabbing this one to add to our library. *Be warned though- This is a bare-bones release with no special features.We don't mind that, but you might.

Sushi Girl was a movie that we really liked, and we're look forward to adding it to our trove soon. Ditto goes for the classics Prison and Night of the Demons 2.

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Out of the week's Non-Genre offerings, Argo and Special Forces are the two we want the most. Argo is an amazing flick, and Ben Affleck is one of our favorite directors, so buying that one is a no-brainer for us. Special Forces is a great action flick starring one of our favorite actors (Djimon Hounsou), and we're suckers for military rescue flicks, so, yeah.

We also need to grab the re-issue's of The Terminator and The Running Man to add to our HD collections.

The rest are all movies you already know, and may or may not be "must have" material depending on your individual tastes.

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Some of these flicks are definitely worth the rental, especially The Nest and the Terror Vision/Video Dead two pack. Lots of Horror Aficionados will want to own those two, but for us we'll stick to renting them, mainly because we're picky. We can't just buy everything!


These, we're taking a pass on. We're sure you understand.

The Horror Club

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